In this video, information technology expert Ilan Patao explains important things to know how to do on Microsoft Excel.
The topics covered include:
1. How to populate columns, either with identical data or with consecutive data (e.g., 1 1 1 1 1, or 1 2 3 4 5, etc.)
2. How to sort data in columns. For example, there might be a numbered list that is out of order, but there is a method for restoring it to numerical order. He also teaches how to sort by cell color.
3. Removing duplicates from groups of data. For example, removing repeat numbers from a column of numbers.
4. Basic formatting of text in cells--that is to say, the font type, size, color, and whether it will be in bold, italics, or underlined.
5. Conditional formatting, which is the ability to select out certain data based on properties that distinguish it from other data, such as being greater or lesser than a certain value, or containing a particular element.
6. The variety of built-in formulas.
7. Concatenating--that is to say, combining data from one group of cells with data in another group of cells.
8. How to move data delimited by a comma to separate columns. For example, if you have data in a cell that looks like this, "1, 2, 3"--how to move that to three separate columns (adjacent cells) such that 1 is in a separate cell, 2 is in a separate cell, and 3 is in a separate cell.
9. The "if" formula.
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